Tribute Gifts

Memorial and Honor Gifts to Moravian Manor Communities provide an opportunity for donors to express their sympathy, love, honor or appreciation for a friend, family member or loved one. As a meaningful expression of generosity, these gifts celebrate the life of someone you cherish while supporting the mission & ministry of Moravian Manor Communities. Learn more in our Tribute Gifts brochure.

Memorial Gifts are a thoughtful way to recognize the memory of a special person. Many families name Moravian Manor Communities as a recipient of memorial gifts, in lieu of flowers, upon the death of a loved one. Donate online or Download a Memorial Gift form

Honor Gifts represent a heartfelt way to recognize someone for a special occasion or just to show you care. Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, birthdays, anniversaries, and other holidays are wonderful opportunities to recognize someone special. Donate online or Download an Honorarium Gift form

When you make a tribute gift, Moravian Manor Communities will send an acknowledgement to the honoree or family member of the person being remembered. There is no mention of the amount given and you will receive an acknowledgement of your gift for tax purposes.

Recent Memorial & Honor Gifts

We gratefully acknowledge our donors who have contributed through our Honor Gifts and Memorial Gifts.

In Memory of December 2024

Alta & Richard Myer
John & Janice Reidenbaugh

Brigid Taylor
Bernadette Taylor & Matt Early
Patricia Taylor

Bruce L. Brumbaugh
Charlene Brumbaugh
Bruce & Thomasine Brumbaugh

Garth D. Becker
Donald Becker

Gayle Weidner
Bruce & Audrey Moore

Howard “Duke” Charles
Wendy Erhardt

Janet Basehoar
Sally Hall

Joan Florich
Robert & Susan Kunzelman

John W. Nameck
Keith & Nancy McCleary

Joyce E. Appleby
Lloyd Appleby

Judy & John Mitchell
Henry & Susan Walker

Julia & George Keehn
G. Thomas & Cecelia Keehn

Lillian Johnstin
Patricia Vogel

Linda Polonus
Gary & Jill Gaissert
Kathy DeWitt
Kathleen Gray
Ed. & Susan Young

Marilyn Nyland
Carol Minnich
George Nyland

Marjorie Smith
Charles F. Snyder Funeral Home

Martha Keister
Jill McBride

Oscar Keylor
Susan Keylor

Pearl Glick
Virginia Lesso & Michael Donahue

Peg & Bob Reidenbaugh
John & Janice Reidenbaugh

Robert & Yvonne Bomberger
Steve & Natalie Bomberger

Roy Suter
Vicky Suter

Ruth & Ted Huber
Harold & Marcia Wilson

Stephen Strunk
Erik Strunk

Sue Rentschler
Carl Rentschler

Ted & Jan Kisor
Joe & Gwendolyn Carroccio

The Hon. Michael J. Perezous
Dolores Perezous

The Swarr & Kaufman Families
Frederick & Valerie Swarr

Thomas L. Forsberg
Thomas & Amy Forsberg

Mac Stetler
Rose Stetler

Clyde Yorke
Marie-Helena Yorke

Helen Strathmeyer
Accel Foundation

Joan Martin
Richard Minnich & Betsy Teschner

Bertha Jackson
Faith Meier

Siv Camcamis
Mark Camcamis


In Memory of July 2024

Siv Cacamis
Mark Cacamis

Sylvia Fahnestock
Elaine Parvin

Ed Kiehl
Dixie Smith
Thomas & Martha Bochenko

Judy Scheckler
Thomas and Martha Bochenko


In Memory of June 2024

Edwin L. Kiehl
Bill & Kathy Stanley
Al & Sally Forsht
Mrs. Sharon Ghio & Mr. Dave Ghio
Mary Ann & Maurice Frontz
Heather Lefever
Judy Wanner
Mac Miller
Ann Hoover
The Bauerleins
Alan Rothermel
The Bracken Family
Robert & Nancy Kiehl
The Cosmore Family
Michael Byler & Kathleen Schmick
Sandra Loureiro

Midge Kinder
Michael Byler & Kathleen Schmick



In Memory of August 2024

Fay Sullenberger
Dominic, Sarah, David & Beckie

Larry L. Bender
Deborah Yoder

Peter Astheimer
Bob & Kathy Lally
Bruce Rodio
Kristine Swofford
Michael Polin
Paul & Kay Bechtold
Thomas & Margaret Woodcock

Stan Schoenberger
Judith Schoenberger

In Memory of April 2024

David Birch
Thomas and Martha Bochenko

Kenneth and Wilma Beard

Midge Kinder
Judith Hurlbut

Twila and Ed Miller

Stephen and Gail Brainard

Al and Sally Forsht

Jerry and Susan Eckert

Renate Sachse

John and Carla Weidman

In Memory of March 2024

Janet Basehoar
Sally Hall

Midge Kinder
Richard and Stephanie Barbour

Bryan and J. Annette Bodwell

Michael and Fran Kane

Dennis and Louise Sitler

Lewis and Pat Ayers

Russel and Shirley Nyland

Jim and Margaret Culkar

Susquehanna Yacht Club

Atwater Malick LLC

John Pecorari and Linda Laukaitis-Pecorari

James and Donna Wetzel

Bob and Susan Newell

Tom and Sharon Kennedy

Larry Dinkel

John and Mary Lou Hershey

Harry & Jeanne Ritter

Judy and Gary Rembacki

Lititz Woman’s Club

Carol Minnich


In Memory of February 2024

Howard “Duke” Charles
Sharon Gombotz
John and Liz Dumond

Martha “Marty” Heim Keister
Patrick and Constance Sullivan

Stephen Strunck
Scott and Laura Marsh

In Memory of January 2024

David S. Link
Barbara Link

Howard “Duke” Charles
Baratta Law, LLC
Bob & Susie McClure
David & Helen Walter
Joan & Brian Walter
Martha & Michael Richino
Pancerella and Associates LLC
The Biletz Family

Lois Kaufman
Mary Ellen Bachman

Martha “Marty” Heim Keister
Barry & Barbara Weatherholtz
Carolyn Streaker & John Edwards
David & Melissa McBride
Hilde Vanhouten
John Byers & Pat Veser
Mark & Sandy Miller
Patricia A. Donat
Peter & Louise Ross
Thomas Nicholas
Walter Offermann

Richard “Dick” Bell
Dale & Martha Matt
David & Elsie Herbert
Harriet Zook
Jack & Patty Gaudette
Linda & Daniel Sloan
The Bush Family
Sarah Furlow

Stephen Strunck
Joseph & Jean Kolb
Edgar Grove
Kenneth & Wendy Healy
Millie & Jerry Allen
Sarah Gioe

The deceased members of the Beebe Family
Thomas & Barbara Beebe

Thomas L. Forsberg
Thomas & Amy Forsberg

In Memory of December 2023

Alfreda J. Kanes
Karen & Robert Weibel

Bertha Johnson
Faith Meier

Betty Chrencik
Peg & Bill Chrencik

 Bridget Taylor
Patricia Taylor

Bruce L. Brumbaugh
Charlene Brumbaugh
Bruce & Thomasine Brumbaugh

Dotty Baker
Peg & Bill Chrencik

Emma Pelger
Mary & David Fry

Garth Becker
Donald Becker

Gloria Boyer
Mary Lou Balmer

James E. and Lucille Buckwalter
David & Leslie Buckwalter

Jayne Schwilk
Steven Schwilk

Joan Florich
Susan & Robert Kunzelman

Joseph & Doris Batturs
Sheila & Richard Miller

Judy Pusey
David Pusey

Ketty Schleicher
Peg & Bill Chrencik

Loretta Smith
Anna & James Webster

Mike Polonus
Linda Polonus

Mrs. Ruth Huber
Harold & Marcia Wilson

 Nadine Potts    
Thomas & Ann Hinkle
Julia Wagner
Mark Roda
Hershey Legal
Dennis & Louise Sitler    

Oliver F. Swift  
Beverly Swift

Oscar G. Keylor
Susan Keylor

 Pearl Glick
Virginia Lesso & Michael Donahue

Peg Reidenbaugh
John & Janice Reidenbaugh
Robert & Janet Reiner  

 Richard Bell
Fred & Elaine Gaston
Thomas Nicholas
David Byler & Kathleen Schmick

 Robert & Yvonne Bomberger
Steven & Natalie Bomberger

 Rose Russo
Sal & Jean Russo

 Roy E. Suter
Vicky & Louis Suter

Stephen Strunck
David Byler & Kathleen Schmick
Walter Offermann
Bob & Susan Newell
James & Donna Wetzel
Martha Cox & Andrew Popichak
Michael & Fran Kane          

William J. Reuter
Selina Reuter

In Honor of December 2024

Anya & Asher Furry
Christine Furry

Jennifer Shutt
Ira & Elizabeth Gensemer

Marcia & Larry Lefever
Russel & Carolyn Weidman

Jennifer Shutt
Elizabeth & Ira Gensemer

Helen L. Becker
Donald Becker

Mrs. J.C.H. Light
Harold & Marcia Wilson

Sara Strathmeyer
Accel Foundation

Alfreda J. Kanes
Robert & Karen Weibel

In Honor of January 2024

Barbara Ann Stump
The Stump Family Fund

In Honor of December 2023

Helen Becker
Donald Becker

Jonathan Yerger
John & Janice Reidenbaugh

Marcia & Larry Lefever
Russel & Carolyn Weidman

Jennifer Shutt
Elizabeth & Ira Gensemer


In Memory of Mother's & Father's Day 2024

Mildred Andes
Lee Sota

Joyce E. Appleby
Lloyd Appleby

Ruth Badessa
Ferdinand Badessa

Joseph & Doris Batturs
Dick & Sheila Miller

Garth Becker
Donald Becker

Richard S. Bell
Steve & Leigh-Anne Bell

Robert L. & Yvonne Bomberger
Steve & Natalie Bomberger

Gloria Boyer
Tania Trimble

Margaret & Henry Brubaker
Peter & Margaret Brubaker

Charles & Jeanne Clemson
John & Pam Clemson

Dean & Ann Cochran
Deann Buffington

Aaron & Minna Cohen
Sheila Cohen

Eleanor & Glenn Davis
The Anglewood Charitable Fund

Elizabeth (Betsie) & Robert Ira Derck
Linda Majikes

Harriet Dillon
David & Tiffany Rutt

Elizabeth Dissinger
Dale Dissinger

Joseph Dyer
Anne Marie Dyer

Edris H. Galway
Mark & Linda Galway

Dr. William & Mrs. Joyce Grosh
James & Ellen Grosh

Ruby Hess
Debra Liss

Mrs. Ruth Huber & Mr. Ted Huber
Harold & Marcia Wilson

James & Bertha Johnson
Faith Meier

Lillian Johnstin
Patricia Vogel

Midge Kinder
Sheila Cohen

Midge Kinder
Rick Kinder

Jan & Ted Kisor
Joe & Gwendolyn Carroccio

Mr. &  Mrs. Howard H. Kuhns
Robert & Judy Seitz

Lydia & Bill Lefever
Larry & Marcia Lefever

Sue McCloud
Jerry & Heather Mahon

Rose Mello
Rose Stetler

Alta & Richard Myer
John & Janice Reidenbaugh

The Honorable Michael J. Perezous
Dolores Perezous

Judy Pusey
David Pusey

Peg & Bob Reidenbaugh
John & Janice Reidenbaugh

Donald Renicky
Florence Renicky

C. Raymond & Margaret Reynold
Susan Gleason

Allen W. & Naomi Schattschneider 
Doris Schattschneider

Mr. and Mrs. Paul L. Seitz
Robert & Judy Seitz

Vera Shirk
Charles & Ruth Anne Niemi

Clyde & Ellen Shue
Carl & Phyllis Martin

Ruth & George E. Smith
Larry & Marcia Lefever

Roy E. Suter
Vicky Suter

Mr. and Mrs. C.J. Troutman
Judith Schoenberger

Ellen Wagaman
Karen Hampton

Fred E. Wagner
Connie Lawrence

Robert & Wilma Hammond
Jeffrey & Linda Gabriel

Mothers & Fathers
Willard & Harriette Droke

Dean & Elizabeth Jurgen

Linda Miller

Thomas Nicholas


In Honor of Mother's & Father's Day 2024

Helen Becker
Donald Becker

James H. Galway
Mark & Linda Galway

Bob & Nancy Hess
Debra Liss

Arlene Leese
Michelle & Rob Hoover

Mothers & Fathers
John & Susan Garofola

Steven Schwilk

In Memory of Father's Day 2023

Mr. Jack Artale

Mr. and Mrs. Warren Diercksen
Mr. and Mrs. W. Scott Mercer

Mr. Joseph Batturs

Mr. and Mrs. Richard A Miller

Mrs. Robert L. Bomberger

Mrs. and Mrs. Steven W. Bomberger

Capt. Charles A. Bormann

Mr. Alfred DeBard

Mr. Ambrose Daecher

Mr. Henry A. Daecher

Mr. Glenn H. Davis

Mr. and Mrs. Glenn H. Davis, Jr.

Mr. Alfred A. DeBard

Mr. Alfred DeBard

Mr. Robert Derck

Mrs. Linda D. Majikes

Mr. Joseph J. Dyer

Ms. Anne-Marie Dyer

Lt. Col. George Eager, Jr.

Mr. G. Philip Eager

Mr. Robert D. Garner

Mrs. H. Pauline Garner

Dr. William K. Grosh

Mr. and Mrs. James K. Grosh

Mr. Robert E. Hammond

Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Gabriel

Mr. Eugene Herr

Mr. and Mrs. Carl N. Rentschler

Mr. Ted Huber

Mr. and Mrs. Harold J. Wilson

Mr. James Jackson

Mrs. Faith J. Meier

Mr. George Jeffrey

Mrs. Kathleen L. Torrance

Mr. George L. Keehn

Mr. and Mrs. G. Thomas Keehn

Mr. Willis Lefever

Mrs. and Mrs. Larry Lefever

Mr. Walter J. Lewicki

Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lewicki, Jr.

Mr. Watson K. Morris

Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lucas

Mr. Richard N. Myer

Mr. and Mrs. John D. Reidenbaugh

Mr. Carl N. Netscher

Mr. C. N. Netscher

Mr. Richard A. Packard

Mrs. and Mrs. Edward Spencer, Sr.

Mr. James Palmer

Mrs. Julia Alley

Hon. Michael J. Perezous

Mrs. Dolores Perezous

Mr. Robert R. Reidenbaugh

Mr. and Mrs. John D. Reidenbaugh

Mr. William Rentschler

Mrs. and Mrs. Carl N. Rentschler

Mr. Raymond Reynold

Mrs. Susan Gleason

Rt. Rev. Allen W. Schattschneider

Dr. Doris Schattschneider

Mr. Clyde Shue

Mr. and Mrs. Carl Martin

Mr. George Smith

Mr. and Mrs. Larry Lefever

Mr. Henry S. Starr

Ms. Shirley Starr

Mr. Roy E. Suter

Ms. Vicky Suter

Mr. Edwin L. Toomey

Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Toomey II

Mr. Fred E. Wagner

Ms. Connie Lawrence

Mr. Ray Williams

Mr. and Mrs. Glenn R. Zartman

Mr. Roy Williams

Mr. and Mrs. Glenn R. Zartman

Mr. Walter G. Zaleskie, Sr.

Mrs. Teresa A Hartman

Mr. John Zartman

Mr. and Mrs. Glenn R. Zartman



In Honor of Father's Day 2023

Mr. Howard “Duke” Charles

Mrs. Wendy Erhardt

Mr. Robert I. Derck

Mrs. Linda D. Majikes

Mr. Robert J. Hess

Miss Laurie J. Hess
Ms. Debra J. Liss

Father’s Day Tribute

Mr. Fred Badessa
Mrs. Shirley Banks
Mrs. Margaret Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne L. Lawrence, Jr.
Mr. Thomas Nicholas
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Rhodes, Jr.
Mr. Steven Schwilk
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Seitz
Mr. and Mrs. David Swanson

In Memory of Mother's Day 2023

Mrs. Joyce E. Appleby

Mr. Lloyd Appleby


Mrs. Doris J. Batturs

Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Miller


Mrs. Jeanette B. Bear

Mr. Frederick Bear


Mrs. Yvonne B. Bomberger

Mr. and Mrs. Steven W. Bomberger


Mrs. May G. Bormann

Mr. Alfred DeBard


Mrs. Ann Cochran

Deann L. Buffington


Ms. Norma Craumer

Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Toomey, II


Mrs. Agnes Daecher

Mr. Henry A. Daecher


Mrs. Eleanor B. Davis

Mr. and Mrs. Glenn H. Davis, Jr.


Mrs. Marilyn R. DeBard

Mr. Alfred DeBard


Mrs. Marion I. DeBard

Mr. Alfred DeBard


Mrs. Elizabeth Derck

Mrs. Linda D. Majikes


Mrs. Harriet Dillon

Mr. David Rutt


Mrs. Elizabeth Eddowes

Mr. and Mrs. Geoff Eddowes


Mrs. Lorraine W. Filmore

Mr. Robert G. Filmore

Mr. and Mrs. Victor Kicera


Mrs. Edris Galway

Mr. James Galway

Mr. and Mrs. Mark Galway


Mrs. Kathryn M. Gibble

Mrs. Susan D. Wolf


Mrs. Pearl Glick

Mrs. Virginia Lesso


Mrs. Joyce R. Grosh

Mr. and Mrs. James K. Grosh


Mrs. Wilma J. Hammond

Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Gabriel


Mrs. Jackie Harvey

Dr. L. James Harvey


Mrs. Mary G. Heckel

Mr. and Mrs. David Heckel, Sr.


Mrs. Eugene K. Herr

Mr. and Mrs. Carl N. Rentschler


Mrs. Ruby A. Hess

Miss Laurie J. Hess

Ms. Debra J. Liss


Mrs. Ruth Huber

Mr. and Mrs. Harold J. Wilson


Mrs. Bertha Jackson

Mrs. Faith J. Meier


Mrs. Ruth A. Jackson

Mr. Theodore Jackson


Mrs. Janet G. Jeffrey

Mrs. Kathleen L. Torrance


Mrs. Lillian M. Johnstin

Ms. Patricia Vogel


Mrs. Julia Z. Keehn

Mr. and Mrs. G. Thomas Keehn


Mrs. Gerry Kern

Mrs. Teresa A. Hartman


Mrs. Julia Lewicki

Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lewicki, Jr.


Mrs. Dorothy Sue McCloud

Mr. and Mrs. Jerry P. Mahon


Mrs. Rose Mello

Ms. Rose Stetler


Mrs. Grace D. Morris

Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lucas


Mrs. Alta S. Myer

Mr. and Mrs. John D. Reidenbaugh


Mrs. Thelma E. Netscher

Mr. C. N. Netscher


Mrs. Mary K. Nolt

Mrs. Joyce Nolt


Mrs. Jean E. Packard

Mr. and Mrs. Edward Spencer, Sr.


Mrs. James Palmer

Mrs. Julia Alley


Mrs. Emma M. Pelger

Mrs. Mary Fry


Mrs. William Rentschler

Mr. and Mrs. Carl N. Rentschler


Mrs. Margaret Reynold

Mrs. Susan Gleason


Mrs. Naomi Schattschneider

Dr. Doris Schattschneider


Mrs. Vera B. Shirk

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Niemi


Mrs. Ellen J. Shue

Mr. and Mrs. Carl Martin



Mrs. Ruth S. Smith

Mr. and Mrs. Larry Lefever


Mrs. Ruth Y. Spacht

Dr. and Mrs. Cam E. Enarson


Mrs. Margaret Starr

Ms. Shirley Starr


Mrs. Carol L. Stout

Mr. Kristopher E. Stout


Miss Elaine M. Sturgis

Miss Jean E. Sturgis


Mrs. Edwin L. Toomey

Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Toomey II


Mrs. Ellen A. Wagaman

Ms. Karen Hampton


Mrs. Lee Williams

Mr. and Mrs. Glenn R. Zartman


Mrs. Anna Zaleskie

Mrs. Teresa A. Hartman


Mrs. Bertha Zartman

Mr. and Mrs. Glenn R. Zartman

In Honor of Mother's Day 2023

Mrs. Maria P. Artale

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Artale

Mr. and Mrs. Warren Diercksen

Mr. and Mrs. W. Scott Mercer


Mrs. Helen L. Becker

Mr. and Mrs. Darrell L. Becker

Mrs. Linda Downs

Mrs. Krista Wise


Mrs. Nancy S. Hess

Ms. Debra J. Liss


Mrs. Arlene A. Leese

Mrs. Michelle Hoover


Mrs. Louise Sitler

Mrs. Christina Sitler-Leed


In Honor of Mother’s Day

Mr. Fred Badessa

Mrs. Shirley A. Banks

Mrs. Margaret Brown

Mr. and Mrs. Wayne L. Lawrence, Jr.

Mr. Thomas Nicholas

Mr. and Mrs. Lee Rhodes, Jr.

Mr. Steven Schwilk

Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Seitz

Mr. and Mrs. David Swanson