From: David Swartley, President/CEO 
Date: November 23, 2020 
RE: Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update #30 & Other news

I am writing to give an update on our COVID-19 situation at Moravian Manor Communities (MMC). As you all are aware, the cases in Lancaster County and across the nation are spiking.

Our last round of universal testing (11-17/11-18) yielded one positive employee test. The employee is asymptomatic and self-quarantined for 14 days at home. We continue to complete universal testing weekly for the foreseeable future.

Unfortunately, we have learned that two additional residential living residents on the Founders Campus have tested positive. One of the residents was hospitalized for treatment, and has been discharged home. The resident has responded well to treatment. Our two residents I referenced in my former communication are feeling well and are through their quarantine period.

Currently we have four other employees who have tested positive and are at home self-quarantining. Several employees who tested positive in the past will return to work shortly. Our laboratory returns have slowed down in the past few weeks; we have learned that the lab has employees who tested positive and are quarantining at home. We continue to watch the hospital numbers as well. As of this morning, LGH had sixty-six patients being treated for COVID-19 and Wellspan’s number was thirty-six.

The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania issued new travel guidance this week. There is a lot of concern about the holidays and spiking community spread of the virus. Please take time to make well-thought-out decisions. I was dismayed and unaccepting of the fact that my daughter (living in VA), would not be able to join us for Thanksgiving. These decisions are painful, but will enable us to stay well during this season of life.

Our COVID-19 Task Force decided this morning that our housekeeping service and non-essential maintenance services will be paused through December 4. Part of this decision is due to decreased staff in these departments during this surge. If our staff is delivering an item to your home, they will call before the delivery and place it on your front porch. Also, please remember that you are not to enter the main building on the Founders Campus; no matter how much you miss seeing Kelly!

Our Medical Director is keeping us apprised of the latest recommendations from the CDC and the PA Department of Health. For those of you seeking additional information, continuous updates are available at the following websites:

You can also email specific questions to:

HB #1737:

On Friday, November 20, the Pennsylvania General Assembly passed Bill #1737. This bill offers temporary limited liability protections to health care providers and other businesses. This is a significant step in protecting the financial integrity of institutions such as Moravian Manor Communities. We need your help for the Governor to not veto this bill.

Below I have listed the three ways to contact the Governor’s Office to show your support of this crucial bill.

Use to submit an email.

Call directly at 717-787-2500.

Send a letter to:
Office of the Governor
508 Main Capitol Building
Harrisburg, PA 17120.

I have attached a page of talking points from our State Association if you desire to contact Harrisburg.

Staff Update:

It is with deep regret that I share with you that Gary Gaissert, VP of Operations, has decided to resign from the Moravian Manor Communities to pursue other opportunities. Gary’s numerous accomplishments while at MMC will always be appreciated; his work has prepared us well for the future years. I wish him the best in his future ventures. Gary will be with us into January; a yet to be determined date.